Call of Doodies: Goat


Scway Stowy

So one day I was browsing eBay and all the sudden I got a message saying, "New free Call of Doodies: Goat!" I payed no attention to the name, because I was so eager to play this CoD, before it came out! This copy was a bootleg though and got it from an old guy named Greg. Greg was an awesome bootlegger and could bootleg Super Mario! I was so excited to play the game I e-mailed him my address so he could come to my house personally to deliver the game! This was a concern to my Mom, but I payed no attention, I just wanted to play the game so badly. The old guy arrived at my house and said, "Here you go Colin, have a nice day." That was weird. He knew my name. I payed no attention however because I wanted to play the game. But then things started to get weird. When I got the game, It was in a NES cart, which was odd because CoD is normally in ''.dick'' form. I payed no attention however, because the game looked soo cool on the cover. I plugged the game in my #PSxD69 and played it. The game had major sound glitches and it had lots of static and I thought I saw a hyper-realistic PATRIXXX flashing. I payed no attention however, because the game was so cool. Then the game got super scawy because the game was being annoying and I died a lot. The screen turned red and hyper-realistic Sonic jumped out of the TV. I payed no attention however, because I wanted to play the game so bad. Next sumthing really scawy happened! I found a goat wondering around the map. It got shot sadly and I was very sad. Then the goat got back up and was a demon. He yelled "PATRIXXX is your lord." I payed no attention however because I wanted to play the game so badly. The hyper-realistic sonic with hyper-realistic blood and guts stabbed me hyperrealisticly with a hyper-realistic rusty kitchen knife up my hyper-realistic anus. I payed no attention to this hyperrealism because I was so eager to play the game. I killed a guy called thefierceX and I should not have. I got superduper scared because all the lights in my house exploded. And then my dog ate a grilled cheese with onion and my dog has AllergicOnionItis so his snout was 80x its normal size. After he ate the grilled cheese goats came into my house and came wave after wave killing me. I defened myself by throwing hyper-realistic ham at them. Lil' Wayne popped out of the exploded lights and rapped "Throwing ham at goats, thats a ham throwing goats" and it was scary. But I payed no attention however because I wanted to play the game. There was this crumb on the counter and I payed full attention to this because I needed to focus on the important things. My mom threw this crumb in the garbage and I screamed, "MOM NOO!" Then Greg showed up and laughed "Muahahahahaha!" and then I couldn't sleep that night. I never played games again.
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<----This is true as you can see!